Learning Management Software

My Role: Sole UX and UIDesigner

Project Type: Product design

Business Type: B2B, Learning management software

TLDR: My task was to add continuing education (CE) credit capabilities to the LMS. I made it fit within the existing product, while implementing everything needed to make it compliant with CE crediting.




Problem Statement

The software needed to shift to be able to support CE certification, a missing but integral part to improve the learning management system (LMS) software. There was a tight deadline for needing the CE integrated, so while they wanted to improve overall UX as well, the main focus of this redesign was to make the CE certification functional.



My first step was to determine what was needed to make sure courses could be accredited. I interviewed one of our clients who was charge of the accreditation for everyone in their 200 practices, to scope out as much as I could. Then researched the 3 main dental accreditation sources to ensure I had everything I needed to make them count.

Secondary Research

I then spent time researching the 3 main dental certification accreditation sources, and what their criteria were.

Based on the interview and secondary research I was able to list out all the criteria needed to make the CE credits count

MOderated user testing

I  gave some of our clients who had agreed to do a user test, completing several tasks in the LMS.  I observed and noted where issues and confusion occurred.  I discovered some changes that would make significant differences.

Goals based off research


Make the admin and employee views different based on what information is pertinent to them.


Implement list of required criteria for CE credit certification.


Create a way to pay for CE credit certifications.


Make the current LMS more “user friendly”

User Flow

Making C.E. Certification Possible

I created both an admin level and employee level user flow and wireframe for the actions related to CE credits. The employee level helped overhaul the secondary navigation options to be more useful. All of this was originally done on paper, and with the user flows for all options, as well as extensive notes, but this is the prettier version that's keeping the most pertinent information.

Goal 1- Differentiation

Different strokes for different folks

Originally the home page at the admin level just had one set of results showing what percentage of users had finished different trainings. On the employee level it was simply blank. It really didn’t meet the needs of the users.

Admin Dashboard

1- I added a reports section so that we could expand what results are shown, and focus on more pressing things in the dashboard.

2- Added he over CE options to the dashboard to make it easier to change settings for them.

3- Added a place to easily send reminders to all employees who have not yet completed an assignment.

4- Added a place to grade quizzes that have written answers, when applicable

5- Upcoming trainings show trainings that are due yearly and required to stay certified and helps the admin make sure everyone is staying compliant with the law.

6- To have the CE credits count the admin must submit a CSV of required info to the board of certification each month. This makes it easy to do so. But it’s near the end as not all our clients use CE courses.

Employee Dashboard

1- Only options that are currently applicable show up.

2- Instead of having the same options as the admin home page here, it has only what’s applicable to the employees.

3- Assignments now show up here, instead of needing to find the assignments in roundabout ways.

4- I added CE credits tracking so they can remember when they need to update their certifications.

5- Upcoming certifications shows them yearly/bi-yearly required CE certifications and when they need to have them done by

Goal 1- Differentiation

Give credit where it’s due

One necessary component is to award a certification of completion for each CE credit course, that the employee can download, and keep for their records. It needs to have all required info so they can prove their credits if ever needed.

Creating courses

I made  toggle when creating courses, so that when the CE credit course is toggled on, all the additional questions to get credit are added.

Stay on Track

For the employee view I made sure their certificates for CE courses were easily accessible, along with reiterating their CE credit info.

Goal 3- Payment Options

Show me the money

I had to establish options for how the CE credits get paid for.
Admin pays for any and all CE credits
Admin pays for set amount of CE credit, then user pays for rest
User pays for all CE courses

*If the employee needs to pay for their own CE credits, when they click enroll on a course it will take them to a payment processor page that is already set up through a 3rd party which is why it is not shown here.

Goal 4- User Experience

Don’t make me think

I snuck in a few things to just make the user experience smoother overall. In addition to some of the things shown above,  I altered the cards for the different modules/courses, set up a filter for CE credit, made sure everything was consistent with the other products, and kept in mind best user practices.


A very bold placeholder image for PDF. You have to click to get the options to pop up and when you do it covers up the name and other info.


The focus is now on the name of the module instead of the place holder image. Most used options are available without an extra click. No more covering up the important info.


Added a filter for CE credit courses in the employee LMS to make sure people know what is just normal training and what they are using towards CE certification.


The way the options are structured as a tab, is something consistent now along all products that I designed and tested with our users. It was well received in the other products so we implemented it here as well.


This was just phase 1 with a sole focus on CE certification implementation. The user tests of the prototype went well, with only minor adjustments being made after. There is still a lot of work to do in the LMS to make it more usable over time, and more user testing will be needed after phase 1 is shipped by the developers to determine which areas to focus on next. Overall though, I think we were able to complete our main objectives.