New Dashboards

My Role: UX designer

The Team: UX designer, Product Manager, Engineering Lead

TLDR: There was one subscribers dashboard which covered both Acquisition and Management of subscribers, but it wasn't very useful, or curated for either. I separated them and made them more focused on the task at hand.




A picture of a pop-up builder that is not very usable or very pretty

Problem Statement

The subscribers dashboard covered too many things, and was fairly redundant as it showed a lot of informational graphs that were also available through the reporting tab, as well as not showing enough information from all the new features we had been adding. There was an opportunity to split subscribers into two, one being Subscriber Acquisition, and the other being Subscriber Management. This would allow each tab to be more focused on a single goal.



In a few interviews it had come up that they would love to see a bit more information in the overview.

Additional interviews specifically about what customer data brands wanted to be able to collect, and how they wanted to segment went into the research for this as well.

Secondary Research

We looked into CDP software, and how they were handling customer data, and what it was being used for.

MOderated user testing

I tested with three users, and adjusted based off of feedback.

Key takeaways from research


Marketer's love having more useful information all in one place, to more easily show the value of what they are doing, and how they are growing the brands.


Most brands like having suggested segmentation, and any information they can get to create more targeted and successful campaigns.


It was often confusing having both acquisition and subscriber management in one place, and many people had a hard time finding what they were looking for.


Overview of each tool

A very boring pop-up, no images, just overall boring

Top level data

Here is the example of the pop-up card with it's top level data.

A very cute pop-up! Clean and simple design that fits the brand well

Empty States

Empty states now have more information about the tool, and a call to action to start using it.

Instead of a simple graph showing how many came from each tool on a given day, we gave them top level data for each tool. For example, Pop-ups would show each type of pop-up that was live and how many subscribers were acquired through it during a given time period.

Each card can be turned off or on, and the cards can be reordered to show however the brand prefers it. More cards can easily be added as we add in more tools.

Subscriber Management


For the MVP version of subscriber management, we kept the majority of the charts that were still useful here. A quick overview of the amount of subscribers, where they came from, and integration information that was pertinent.

We added in a tip of the day, as our first steps towards creating smart segments. This card will give some simple help towards creating smarter, and more curated segments.

A marginally better pop-up builder where at least the design options are all together and make sense

Next Step

Utilize data to create smart segments

By using properties to tag customers based on behavior and ethically sourced data, we will be able to create more curated segments so that the brands can send more successful campaigns. The brands will waste less money on sending messages to those who are unengaged, and have more success with those who are with more tailored messaging.

In addition to that we also plan to create a persona of what their average users are like.

An image of all the simple components


The MVP is still being worked on, however the response to the user tests has been positive. It is a good starting point, with a decent vision of where it is headed in the future.

While this is not my biggest project I feel it is valuable in how it addresses focusing on one task at a time, and in how it sets us up for success as we add in additional features which would have otherwise made the subscribers tab feel very cluttered.